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Friday, February 10, 2012

[RWA-Mascot] Re: List of Maintenance Issues as on 5th Feb 2012 (Sunday)

Dear All,
In order to discuss on these issues, we took the appointment of Mr. Mayank Aggarwal (Director, CSK Facility Management Pvt. Ltd.) on Saturday (11th Feb 2012 at 12 Noon). They restricted to meet not than 5 residents. Mr. K. P. Singh (Estate Manager, CSK Facility Management Pvt. Ltd.) will also be there at the time of our meeting. So we have planned to go there tomorrow and will discuss on the below unresolved issues and will keep you posted with the update.
As you are aware that the most of the issues are still pending and there is no improvement as of now. So if anyone wants to go there tomorow, please give me a call and will plan accordingly.

Thanks & Regards,

Raj Kumar Raju

Cell# 9811922379

(CREMA Tower), Mahagun Mascot

Crossings Republik Township, Ghaziabad (U.P.)

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 1:20 AM, RAJ KUMAR RAJU <rajubanka@gmail.com> wrote:

List of Maintenance Issues as on 5th Feb 2012 (Sunday)

We, the Mahagun Mascot residents, already submitted the below society issues to the maintenance people (CSK Facility Management Pvt. Ltd.) on 24th Dec 2011 and then follow-up on 21st January and 5th Feb 2012 and here is the update as on today. We had there continuous discussions with the Estate Manager, CSK Facility Management Pvt. Ltd. (Mr. K. P. Singh) but we are not happy with the current progress so requested him to schedule a meeting with the Director of the CSK Facility Management Pvt. Ltd. (Mr. Mayank Agarwal). Hopefully he will take the appointment from him by Wednesday (8th Feb 2012) and will inform me/other residents and then we should have a meeting with Mr. Aggarwal on coming Sunday at 12 Noon (on 12th Feb 2012). I will keep you posted with the meeting date/time once he will inform regarding the same. Please let me know your thought as well and try to come to the meeting which we organize each Sunday 11 AM in-front of the Ferrara Tower.

1.     Security: There is security lack on each tower, lift, entry/exit point. This has caused several incidents of unwanted vehicles driving through the society. Outsiders can easily enter to the society premises. In addition, security guards are not trained on whom to prevent entry for. Guards are usually not present at late night and/or early morning and don't check, if labours are using the lift reserved for the residents. Guards should be given training for - What to do in case of fire and fire alarm gets activated? What to do in case someone stuck into lift? Guards should have keys to electric/Fire alarm shafts, so that in case of emergency they can cut the electric supply immediately. <Current Status: Not done despite a promise of 10 days.>


2.     No infrastructure for Security Guards: There no table, chair, Intercom and other infrastructure provided to the security guards. <Current Status: These facilities are already provided in Verona, Ferrara, Milano and Bettina towers. These facilities are not there in other towers despite a promise of 10 days.>


3.     Intercom: The intercom (phone) is not working properly. The intercom is also not provided to the security guards working on each tower. The emergency intercom system button in the lifts are not functional. Intercom goes offline on electric-shutdown. This is serious issue. The intercom system should be up and running. <Current Status: Not done despite a promise of 10 days.>


4.     Access to Car Parking/Parking Stickers: The path to parking slots is mostly blocked by construction material and equipment lying haphazardly. The paths are not even clearly marked for ways to drive, exit etc. The Parking stickers have also not provided to all the residents who is living inside the society. So, outsider's vehicle can't be detected. Also, there should be public display of un-allotted parking space. In past, it is observed that maintenance office has provided wrong information about the same. <Current Status: Not done despite a promise of 1 week.>


5.     Water leakage in basements: The parking area is flooded with water all the time, water is flowing in through pillars, shafts etc. <Current Status: Not done despite a promise of 1 week.>


6.     Lifts: Most of the lifts have problems which have primarily arisen due to movement of construction material by the builder or not handed over to the builder by OTIS (Lift manufacturing company). The lift immediately stops once power goes down. It takes more than 10 minutes once the power goes off and if someone is inside the lift, has not access to contact outsiders or security guards. <Current Status: Not done despite a promise of 1 week.>


7.     Emergency Contact Number inside the Lifts: All lift should have emergency contact number displayed inside the list. This list should include mobile numbers of important maintenance official. <Current Status: It is done today despite a promise was of 1 week.>


8.     Notice Board: Each tower should have a notice board with locks. All notice boards should have a copy of last inspection/fitness certificate of the lift by Quality Team, so that all residents should have clear understanding on whether the lift is fit to use or not. <Current Status: As per the Estate Manager, the order has been placed despite a promise date of 1 week.>


9.     Safety: The common electric meter room and shaft area should be kept closed, as it may be dangerous for children. <Current Status: Not done despite a promise of 2 weeks.>


10.  Cleaning: It has been observed that the common area is not being cleaned on a daily basis. Rather, currently it is being done once in 2-3 days. <Current Status: Still the same situation.>


11.  Dustbins: There is not even a single garbage bin in the entire society and people tend to throw the garbage on roads. We requested to provide atleast one covered dustbin to each tower so that residents/guards/labours can put their garbage in the same. The bin should be cleaned every morning by housekeeping person. <Current Status: Not done despite a promise of 1 week.>


12.  Letter Box: Each tower should have a locked Letter box set for each flat owner. <Current Status: As per the Estate Manager, only one letter box will be provided on a tower and the entire letters will be dropped by the post man or courier boy and later on the guard will distribute it. But still it is not done, despite a promise of 3 week.>


13.  Speed Breakers: The pathway within the society premise should have speed-breakers. <Current Status: Not done despite a promise of 1 week.>


14.  Wi-Fi Installation: Wi-Fi has still not installed in the society which was committed in the builder's broachers. <Current Status: As per the Maintenance office, this is out of scope and it will be installed by Mahagun Builder.>


15.  Sitting Bench in Green Area: Sitting bench should be provided in GREEN area in front of the towers for the people to sit. <Current Status: Partially done, they put some iron sitting bench in-front of Bettina Tower.>


16.  Water Softening Plant: The water softening is not functional and the residents requested to show the test report from the quality team. <Current Status: Note done. As per the Estate Manager, the report will come this week despite a promise of 1 week.>


17.  Helpdesk Number: We requested to provide the helpdesk number so that they incase of any issue in the flat/society, the residents can call on this number and can log the complaint. Currently we don't have any direct number where we call to register the complaint. We currently have only two modes – (a) Call using Intercom (b) Call on the Estate Number's mobile number. <Current Status: No commitment. They will discuss on this matter with the CSK Facility Head regarding this.>


18.  Water point for Car Wash: There is some water tap in-front of each tower but there is no water supply. We requested to provide the water supply to these water taps so that we can wash our car. <Current Status: Not done. As per Estate Manager, these taps are for horticulture purposes. There is no commitment on this yet.>


Thanks & Regards,

Raj Kumar Raju

Cell# 9811922379

(CREMA Tower), Mahagun Mascot

Crossings Republik Township, Ghaziabad (U.P.)

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